Monday, December 14, 2009

Personal Note of Passion

Heart of Mine,

Could it get any better than to drift through memories of beautiful days gone by? And better yet, to drift with the one you loved so long ago, she who I never stopped loving, the one who was everything to me. And better still to think of a future that is really just around the corner. I have sought her in other women but have found only disappointment or numbing contentment but no passion. There is only one of her in the whole world, my heart, my desire.

I guess if there was ever a definition of 'soul mate' that would be a big part of it right there. I lost you and could not find you again in the arms of another. Thank God and the fates that I found you again, the real you. I cannot let go this time. I will not let go. -NK

1 comment:

  1. Whether you knew it or not I have always sought after and tried to keep you close!
